Tuesday, August 30, 2011

The Anatonomy of a Fight

Stop whatever you're doing right now
Pull up a chair
Here's a true story that I have to share
to bend your ear.
Like I said, this isn't a Fairy Tale
But facts of how some children lives
are a constant NIGHTMARE......of the worst kind.
One thing that I'm requiring of EVERYONE that reads this scrpit
is to take some (Peaceful Resolutions) to help put an end to this mess!
Hit my site (CHARACTER KIDZ DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM) with a thumbs up
showing your support
for a cause that everyone should be on board to RESOLVE
....even if you have no children INVOLVED.
Without further ado.....here is the truth
....just don't neglect to after reading to ACT as if this situation doesn't affect you too
 a mere thumbs up (that's the least you can do)
to ensure that something is done to stop another child from becoming an Innocent Victim.
On Sunday,  August 14 (2011)
The news reported there was a fight
twenty kids with metal bats
beating the victim senseless
and taunting for him to still get up.....
Until a nurse intervined in an effort to save the child's life.
This altercation occured in the suburbs of a beautiful city
The kind of place that you'd never imagine (unlike in the ghetto)
that this sort of thing would happen.....
(This really should go without saying....regardless of the NEIGHBORHOOD
NO CHILD should have to live with the fear of being BEATEN OR KILLED)!
But this is not what struck me as odd....
It was where were all the adults when the fight was going on?
What would have happened if the nurse (a Good Sarmartian)
felt it was too dangerous for her to get involved?
Would the victim even be alive if she didn't risk her own life?
 If instead of acting to help save the Victim she DECIDED;
It would be safer to pretend nothing was happening by looking away.....
or if she'd said, "This is Not my problem.....it's just how kids behave Today."
Startled I sat there mind racing so fast....pondering questions that I had noone to ask
What in the world made the kids so mad.....that they decided
to use metal bats?
What had this person even done causing a crowd to gather on a calm Sunday
with the intention of hurting someone?
How in the world were their action rationalized...
with 20-1 odds I certainly wouldn't consider that a FAIR Fight?
Maybe they saw this as some kind of game....you know....done just for fun....
where the Villian or Victim always gets back up?
The victim is now hospitalized fighting for their life....
yet no one (to date) has been charged for THIS CRIME occuring
in Public...
with plenty of witnessess......
 in Broad Day Light!
Angry and appauled.....stratching my head
I was so darn MAD about this story.....at the television (go figure?)
I started to YELL!
Pacing around like a woman who lost her own mind
I sat there thinking what would I do if that child beaten was mine?
Could I forgive those children's actions with words of prayer
or would I be like a crazed animal taking revenge...without so much a care
as to who got hurt by my rage
long as heads rolled,
Blood was shed and the Villain's actions were repaid!
No, I realized that would actually make things worst
cause even though my child was hurt.....
taking vengance often leads to INNOCENT Victims
being caught in the fray.....
because bullets don't have Eyes and kill whomever they're aimed!
This is the conclusion to which I came to
The reason I'm staying up late to share this information with ALL OF YOU....
It is FINALLY time that we stop turning a blind eye
acting as if this is all just another sign of the times
Each day there's another story in the news
about Suicide's stemming from Bullying
or Violence
alarming facts
Involving senseless Acts
media buzz about children DYING!
As I sat there....asking God why?
Here's what came to my logical mind.
Bear with me for just a little while
I appreciate you're hanging in there for all this time.
I titled this piece (written yesterday evening in the midst of my falling asleep)
I guess you could say God gave me the words in a dream.
Read it and feel free to let me know what you think.
A fight may start
for too many reasons to explain
but all of them usually involve these 3 simple things.....
or Miscommunication would be more accurate
(Gossip, Lies, He said, She said....that kind of crap).
When mere words can spark turmoil....that blows out of control.
This one can be considered as Emotional Dysfunction.....
It's when the logical mind takes a break.....and Insanity is allowed to escape.
Whatever the person decides to do is then justified by their loss of rational thinking,
(worst yet when it involves drugs or drinking)....and of course they act according to
their Irrational feelings like a mad man out of CONTROL without rhyme or reason.
This last one (the worst of all three)
because it is a total lack of E-X-E-R-C-I-S-I-N-G
Believing a person has the right to do whatever they want
No matter who it hurts....or how much it is wrong!
Of course,
Just as in most fights, all the kids didn't take a swing
some of them were just Spectators....taunting....encouraging the Beating!
Others may have just been caught up by what was going on.....and had no problem
with the situation until the Victim hit the ground.
Then there of course were the Instigators present
who lite the match....continuing to fan the flames
ensuring that once a LARGE enough Crowd arrived
their intended Target would be brutalized....
It certainly isn't their FAULT that the VICTIM
lost the Fight!
Blaming them for this mess just wouldn't be Right.
That is how I describe the ANATOMY OF A FIGHT
It usually involves
The Spectators,
and Instigators.
Like roles in a play (often a TRADGEDY) everyone plays there part to a tee...
Worst of all, most of these things occur based on stuff you wouldn't believe
Assumptions, Prejudices, Conflicts, Peer Pressure and Bullying.
Regardless of the reason.....it does not justify
why kids are being Humilitated, Beaten
or have to Fear for their Lives
and the worst stories are the ones involving Suicide.
It is high time for us (ADULTS) to take a stand......
Instead of teaching children to use their fist
Train them to RESOLVE issues WITHOUT the use of GUNS
or even a BAT in their hand.
Failing to think before acting is worse than bad....
How do you think school shooting began?
Encourage your kids to step UP
when things aren't right......
instead of participating as The Spectators encouraging the fight.
Talk to them about showing RESPECT
Because no Matter how different someone else may be
in GOD'S eyes we're all HUMAN BEINGS.
Most of all here's what I'm encouraging you to do
Is to teach your children that Bullying (especially you former Bullies)
(You know WHO you are too).......
Is an Act of VIOLENCE....(now Punishable in certain States as a crime)
that working together we can put an end to.
Then maybe we can finally stop hearing about these kinds of stories in the Nightly News.
Written by J. Waddy-Jones
8/16/2011    Dedicated to all the Victims of Kids against Kids Violence

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