Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Another Incident Occurs at Columbine

Today in the evening news was a report of a 14 year old female Columbine High School student attacking two other female students with a hammer.

  It was alleged that this situation was the result of Bullying.

On April 20,1999 this high school made national news when it became the scene of the most HORRIFIC acts of VIOLENCE caused by two male students.
In the almost 13 years since that TERRIBLE event BULLYING has risen to EPIDEMIC Proportions.

It is high time that we work together to ERADICATE Bullying so there are no more Columbines...and kids can feel safe in their environment. 

There's NOTHING Cute about kids FIGHTING

Contact Character Kidz Development 


Monday, February 6, 2012

School Days

From the very first day they started school

your child came home crying from that taunts that were cruel

You thought to yourself one day it would all go away 
once the children were older and learned how to nicely play.

But no matter how much time seemed to pass the teasing and name calling continued to last.
Now your child never seems to smile
                                               The twinkling light has even gone out of their eyes

You find yourself wondering why
your angel happens to be the one being Bullied all the time.


Until finally you've had enough and take matters into your own hands 
in hopes of ending their days of humiliation and torment. 

Only to find out that things have actually gotten worst....
Because now the Bullies are using more than mere words
This becomes relevant when you receive a disturbing call from the school nurse 
informing you of how badly from the school fight your child was hurt. 

 This now is the last straw! 
  With no hope for a resolution in sight
  You decide to encourage your child to fight

   Never did you imagine that a weapon is what he'd use
    and later become banned from ever returning to school.
 This could have been prevented if children were empowered with the right tools

To help Combat BULLYING

 Contact  Character Kidz Development


Sunday, February 5, 2012

No More Bullying

If Children learned how much their 

W o r d s



effect others, BULLYING could be ERADICATED.

Here's food for thought; BULLIES come in all shapes and sizes with 
 GIRLS becoming the most VOLATILE and quickest to throw a Punch.

Imagine going into the same environment....Everyday....having to face the your TORMENTOR(S)
                                                               without any Resolution in sight? 
How would YOU deal with knowing another HUMILIATING moment from your BULLY
awaits without any sign of help?

The one thing all BULLIES have in common is that they depend on FEAR and INTIMIDATION as the primary weapons used against their TARGET.

The reflection your kids see in the mirror should NOT be one that deems them
 Villian or Victim.

Think there's nothing YOU can do to COMBAT this widespread PROBLEM.....

There's Nothing Cute about Conflict

                                                                         THINK AGAIN
Let Character Kidz Development provide you with effective Conflict Resolution Tools.

check us out on facebook at Character Kidz Development

 Contact us at characterkidz2@yahoo.com to schedule a presentation for your School or Organization.